Singapore Microcomputer Society

Refund Policy
If you made a wrong payment, please inform us within 3 days and we are able to provide you a refund less 5% for administrative and credit card charges. Visa, MasterCard, AMEX and Paypal are accepted here.
Paypal and Hiwire Data & Security are the payment gateway and service provider. Hence your credit card statement may bear their names.

For other forms of donation like bank transfer, ATM, cheque or cash, please click here.

For Donations to SMS.
Your preferred name to appear:
Amount to donate in SGD (S$)

Donors and the amount donated will be listed below so as to be transparent in our process. This will also provide you with the assurance that your donation is received and accounted for.

DateDonorsAmount in SGD (S$)
06 Jan 2011Hung Khee Hua$10