Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 845390 times

Your privileges as an SMS member

Once you join as an SMS member you can enjoy the followings :

  • Attend all weekly presentations free-of-charge (Non-members will need to pay a door fee of $10 per presentation).
  • Web hosting at only $70 per year including domain name. Click here for details.
  • Loan of library books , CD and DVD.
  • Entitle to 1 free servicing for 1 pc for the duration of 1 year (Terms and Conditions applied).

  • Special discounts on products and services as offered to SMS members during the weekly talks by the companies doing the presentations.

  • Other discounts as mentioned in the weekly e-Microlines newsletters sent to members.

  • Discount on product/service as offered by fellow SMS members.

  • Free Wifi access during weekly presentation.
  • Free hot drink during weekly presentation.
  • Those who renew their SMS membership for two years can sponsor
    another person for free SMS membership for a period of one year.
  • Enrol your spouse as SMS spouse member at discounted price.

Discount on product/services as offered by fellow SMS member

(1) Mr John Yap of CompuDoc : 10% discount to SMS members

(2) Mr Hung Khee Hua of : 10% discount to SMS members

(3) Mr Ham H W  (computer repair services) : 10% discount to SMS members

(4) Mr K L Tan of : 10% discount to SMS members


Membership Renewals Promotion

Get a free gift with SMS membership

(1) For new members and those who re-join SMS
(2) For those who renew their SMS membership (including renewals in advance)
(3) Purchase of Cobra cables at discounted price


(1) For new members and those who re-join SMS

(a) For new members, there is a one time Entrance Fee of $20.

(b) Membership fee is applicable as shown below in the next paragraph.

(b) Free gifts and entitlements are as shown in the next paragraph.


(2) For those who renew their SMS membership (including renewals in advance):-

(includes those who renew by post or online)

(a) Membership fee is $60 for one year, or $110 for 2 years, payable by cash or cheque.

(b) Those who renew membership will have a free 1.2 metre "Cobra" cable :

(to be collected at SMS seminar venue on Friday evenings)

(c) SMS members will, upon renewal of membership, get a $10 rebate on their membership renewal fee for every new member that they had introduced to join SMS during the past year.

3) Purchase of Cobra cables and Linux DVDs/CDs

(official receipts will be issued by SMS)

(i) "Cobra" cable, each 1.2 metre : 3 cables for $10 ( (normal price is $4.50 per cable) (to be collected at SMS seminar venue on Friday evenings)

Terms and Conditions for free servicing

a) Free servicing can be given to each paying SMS member once per membership year and cannot be carried forward.

b) Availability of computer service technician.

c) Time of repair convenient to both technician and SMS member.
d) A transport charge of $20, non refundable is charged.
e) No Risk Guarantee - If we cannot resolve any of your computer problems, you pay only for the transportation charge.
f) Free diagnostic and repair to be rendered on the first 2 hours of service.

   Subsequent extra hours are charged as follows: 

     o  PC user - $25/hour or part thereoff subject to a maximum of $140

     o  Mac user $50/hour or part thereoff subject to a maximum of $280

g) Additional materials such as faulty board, hard disk, ram, power supply etc will be be charged separately.

If interested email to manager