Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 845374 times

Web Hosting at $70 per Year



CLick HERE to test our web site builder.


This is the lowest cost web hosting service you can get. No one else can match our offer to our members. We are able to offer this price because our web hosting comes with a web site editor and as long as you can type, you can edit your web page!


How can we offer it so cheap?

  • We are a non-profit voluntary organisation and supported by volunteers.
  • Our volunteers are so good that web hosting is a piece of cake to them.
  • Our volunteers already have the infrastructure so the hardware cost is very low.
  • Web editor is included so you edit the pages yourself.
  • You maintain and create your pages and links yourself.
  • You don't need to pay for a designer because we have 4500 of templates to choose from.
  • We want to make it CHEAP! So cheap that every member can have one.


What do you get for $70 per year?

  • Free .com, .net, .biz domain name (add $35 for or .sg domain name.)
  • Free hosting setup.
  • 500MB of web hosting space (Normally people use up about 5 to 10MB).
  • 5GB of bandwidth per month (Normally people use up 50MB of bandwidth).
  • MySQL database.
  • FTP account
  • cPanel account.
  • Web Site Builder application.
  • 4500 web templates to select.
  • PHP if you are a programmer.
  • You can still link your videos to YouTube and photos stored in other sites.
  • Reasonably good speed. Try out our web site builder demo.
  • We hosted it in USA because of the cheaper bandwidth.


What it is not suitable for?

  • If you want someone to do everything for you. However, we can get someone for you if you are willing to pay for it.
  • If you are operating a web site with 1000 customers per day.
  • If you uses Microsoft ASP pages.
  • If you are a database business with more than 500MB of data to process.
  • If you cannot tolerate the web site being down or extremely slow for a week due to major disasters like submarine cables broken due to a typhoon in Taiwan where the whole Asia to USA link is affected.
  • Nevertheless, if you need more high-end solution and willing to pay much more, we can help.



The only qualification is that you be our individual or corporate member.

If you cease to be a member upon the 1 year expiry of the web hosting, the cost will be $120 per year for all of the same.


Can I terminate to transfer?

Sure. You may terminate at any time and we will transfer it to your appointed hosting service provider. If you have the knowledge and can handle the hosting yourself, we can also transfer it to you. You still retain all your emails and the messages will not be lost.


How to subscribe?

Make your payment by credit card now by clicking here

and then contact us and we do the rest.

If you want to pay by other means, please contact us too.

You can also attend our weekly Friday seminar at Bishan CC to talk to us.

Thank you.