Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 838566 times

Payment or Donation by Internet Bank Transfer


If you wanted to pay by Internet Bank Transfer, the following information will be useful.

Our Bank, Branch: Maybank, Textile Centre Branch

Our Bank Code: 7302

Our Branch Code: 021

Our Account Number: 


Some other banks require you to enter the full account number. Please read carefully the instructions on your bank's web page otherwise a charge may be imposed by your bank for failed transfers.



Enter your membership number (if any) or your name or a traceable code so that we can identify your transaction. Remember to contact the SMS Manager that you had made an Internet Bank Transfer otherwise we may not know who had made the payment.



Depositing A Cheque

If you are depositing a cheque, you will have to:

  • write cheque payable to Singapore Microcomputer Society.
  • write SMS bank account number 
     at the back of the cheque.
  • drop the cheque into any Maybank cheque deposit box.
  • contact the SMS Manager that you had deposited a cheque otherwise we won't know who had made the payment.

PayNow Transfer

   Paynow QRcode

You may scan the above QR code or manually make PayNow payment:

  • Login to your bank account using phone or PC.
  • Change the default "Mobile Phone" to Corporate UEN (Unique Entity Number).
  • Enter UEN S79SS0023B (note it's S seven nine S S zero zero two three B)
  • Enter $ amount such as 110 or 60.
  • Enter your name or email or tel so we know who makes this payment.
  • You may contact SMS manager to confirm your payment.

ATM Transfer


If you are making a transfer using an ATM machine, you will have to:

  • use Maybank ATM machine.
  • transfer to account number 

  • contact the SMS Manager that you had made an ATM transfer otherwise we won't know who had made the payment.


Mailing A Cheque

If you are mailing a cheque, you will have to:

  • write cheque payable to Singapore Microcomputer Society.
  • cross account payee.
  • mail it to our SMS address.

Singapore Microcomputer Society

200 Jalan Sultan

#08-06 Textile Centre
Singapore 199018