Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 845400 times

SMS End-of-Year Potluck Party 2018
Date :  Friday, 14th December 2018
Time :  1900 - 2130 hours
Venue:  Lecture Room 1 (third level), Bishan Community Club 
             51 Bishan Street 13, Singapore 579799
             (near Bishan MRT Station)

1/2. Lim Beng Cheng and guest Ms Rose Poh - Green Thai Chicken
3/4. Mdm Swee Bok Eng (Lim Beng Cheng's mother) and Ms Weng, her assistant - home-cooked pumpkin prawn dish
5. Raymond Chua - Donated two pieces of GC-06 Nano Core for lucky draw - 
6. Ham Hwee Woon - Nonya Kueh
7. Chan Hung - Home Cooked Vegetables
8. Hung Khee Hua - Otah
9. Ng Chee Seng - Yong Tau Foo
10. Loi Kah Fun - Grapes
11. Ngiam Tong Boon - Raisin Cake / Butter Cake
12. Tang Boon Swa - Home Cooked Vegetable Bee Hoon
13. Michael Samy - Apples
14/15. Anthony Teo Boon Leng and guest Ms Maria Goh - Popiah
16. Ms Lilian Lee - Pineapple Fried Rice
17. Teo Ean Lian - Soya sauce chicken
18. Chia Chong Sing - Spicy Chicken Drumlets
19/20. Ng Hon Wing and Mrs Ng Hon Wing - Water Melon
21. Matthew Seah - Curry Puffs
22. Mok Wan Thai - Ikan Koropok
23. Freddie Tan - Snacks & Nuts
24. Lim Poh Seng - Fried Fish Balls
25. Lam Khee Shiong - Cream Puff
26. Low Buck Hiong - Carrot Cakes
27. Ms Eunice Chua - Mee Sua Kueh
28. Wee Whee Sim - Curry Fish Head & some rice
29. Tan Boon Tham - Rojak
30. Anil Kumar - home cooked chicken biriyani and Moringa.
31. Victor Chow - unable to attend.  Donated 2 bottles of wine
32/33. Fionna Lim/Patrick Tan - 2 Christmas Hampers & 2 Oil Paintings as Lucky Draw Prizes.
34. Yeo Lin Tiak - Roast Duck
35/36. Jeffrey Chua and spouse - Indonesia Garlic keropok
37. Larry Yip - Pizza Hut
38. B.T. Tan - Jelly / Custard
39. Dr Ho Soon Teck - 3 bottles of wine
40. Julian Ng - Italian Coffee brewed by Arissto Happy Maker 2.0
41. Teo Soon Bock - Honey Baked Ham, and supporting items like serviettes, disposable plates/cups/forks/spoons, cleaning cloth and trash bags.