Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 838564 times

Updated on 17 Dec 12

Total participants so far :  29

Total Lucky Draw items so far : 32

Announcement : End-of-year Pot-Luck Party, Friday 17th December 2012

This year will be the 10th year when SMS has its annual end-of-year Potluck Party.  Please see for last year's event.

Last year's Pot-Luck Party was attended by a total of 33 members and guests, with a variety of food, fruits, desserts and drinks.  There was also a lucky draw of donated items for those attending the Party. 

Our 2012 end-of-year Potluck Party will be held on Monday, 17th December 2012 at our presentation venue at Bishan CC.

As in previous years, for the 2012 Pot-Luck Party, it is suggested that each member attending will bring a food or drink item worth around $5 or more to share with the other members.  Each member is allowed to bring along one guest, who will also bring food/drink item worth around $5 or more.

Those who are interested in attending the end-of-year pot-luck party this year on Monday 17th December 2012, please send an email to our Manager, Mr Teo Soon Bock at indicating what food/drink item you will be bringing along.  

For those members who have signed up or wish to join the Pot-luck Party, but do not know what to cook or bring, you can buy them at the nearby supermarkets and hawker stores at Bishan.  Suitable items include fried Kway Teow, satay, Ngoh Hiang, roast duck, chicken wings, Indian rojak, chicken curry, chocolate, peanuts, fruits, etc.  We leave it to your personal preference and generosity.  We will try not to have duplication of food or drink items, so please confirm your pot luck item as soon as possible. 

For those who wish to donate items for the lucky draw, please take and email photo of the item(s) to our Manager, Mr Teo Soon Bock at, and bring along the item(s) to the Pot-Luck Party.

Note:  As our presentation room is just beside the Reading Room of the CC, we will not have karaoke session during the Pot-Luck Party.

SMS End-of-Year Potluck Party on Monday, 17th December 2012

Date:    Monday, 17 December 2012

Time:   1900 - 2200 hours
Venue:  Classroom 1 (ground floor), Bishan Community Club

So far, the following SMS members have signed up for the 2012 Pot-Luck Party :-

1.  Hung Khee Hua : Fish otah 
2.  Ham Hwee Woon : Nonya Kueh

3.  Michael Samy : Apples

4.  Ng Chee Seng : Yong Tau Foo

5.  William Ho : Packet Drinks

6.  Loi Kah Fun : Grapes

7.  Graham Chua : Walnut cake
8.  Chan Hung : home cooked Fried Vegetables

9.  Ngiam Tong Boon : Fruit Cake

10.  Jeffrey Chua : Cheese cake dessert, Coconut Jelly, and 2 bottles of wine

11.  Mrs Jeffrey Chua (guest) : Cheese cake dessert, Coconut Jelly, and 2 bottles of wine

12.  Raymond Chua (speaker for 7/1/2013 talk) : Cheese cake dessert, Coconut Jelly, and 2 bottles of wine

13.  Tang Boon Swa : Log cake

14.  Anil Kondath : Chicken nuggets

15.  Peter Gwee : Fried rice

16.  Cheng Wei Hsien : Roast pork

17.  Teo Boon Leng : Fried Bee Hoon

18.  Ms Maria Goh (guest of Teo Boon Leng) : Fried Bee Hoon

19.  Teo Ean Lian : Old Chang Kee curry puff

20.  John Hing : Old Chang Kee mushroom chicken puff

21.  Low Buck Hiong : Fried carrot cake

22.  Hu Yuzhong : Crackers

23.  Freddie Tan : Bean curd

24.  Ng Hon Wing : Water melon

25.  Mrs Ng Hon Wing : Tahu goreng

26.  Chai Ming Voon : Ice cream

27.  Joseph Lim : Party snacks

28.  Shenton Way : Cake

29.  Teo Soon Bock : Honey-baked ham, and supporting items like serviettes, disposable plates/cups/forks/spoons, cleaning cloth and trash bags.

Lucky Draw items 

Note: This Lucky Draw is for participants in the Pot-Luck Party 2012.  The lucky draw winner can choose his/her preferred item, from whatever is available.

A.  Electric Kettle, donated by Mr Lim Beng Cheng :

B.  Notebook Cooling Pad #1, donated by Mr Hung Khee Hua

C.  Notebook Cooling Pad #2, donated by Mr Hung Khee Hua

D.  Notebook Cooling Pad #3, donated by Mr Hung Khee Hua

E.  Canon Camera Bag, donated by Mr Shenton Way :

F.  Vase, donated by Mr Shenton Way :

G.  Photo Frame, donated by Mr Shenton Way :

H.  Canon N640P flatbed scanner, donated by Mr Ng Hon Wing :

I.  HP-Photo-Paper.jpg, donated by Mr Ng Hon Wing :

J.  Printing Calculator, donated by Mr Chan Hung :

K.  Flash Card Reader, donated by Mr Chan Hung :

L.  Multiplexer Modem (formerly used for TradeNet transactions), donated by Mr Chan Hung :

M.  2013 "Horse Racing" Calendar, donated by Mr Chan Hung :

N.  Cooler Bag, donated by Mr Chan Hung :

O.  Set of 3 Coca Cola Cups, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

P.  Mobile Rack #1, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

Q.  Mobile Rack #2, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

R.  Mobile Rack #3, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

S.  Super Rack, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

T.  Creative Blaster Live, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

U.  Creative Vibra128, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

V.  ST Lab 3D graphic-card, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

W.  inno3D Graphics Adaptor, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

X.  Mercury128 sound card, donated by Mr Ng Chong Chuan :

Y.   A pair of used x-Mini Speakers, donated by Mr Teo Soon Bock :

Z.  MP3 Music Player Box, donated by Mr Teo Soon Bock :

a.  M1 X'mas Tote Bag, donated by Mr Teo Soon Bock :

b.  Sandisk 16GB thumb, donated by Mr Ngiam Tong Boon

and several other items donated by Mr Ng Hon Wing and Mr Shenton Way.