Singapore Microcomputer Society

Established since 1978

Registrar of Societies Ref. no: 0238/1978

UEN : S79SS0023B

Visited 821328 times

Windows Special Interest Group

"Windows SIG" is a members interest group of Singapore Microcomputer Society.

Windows SIG is currently chaired by Mr Hung Khee Hua. The immediate past chairman was also our ex-President Mr John Yap. At the moment Raymond Chua is the Vice Chairman. Interested SMS members can contact us to be included in the Windows SIG committee :-)

Windows SIG organizes a talk every 2 months on anything of interest  regarding Windows operating systems, Windows software, Windows hardware and systems, Windows networking: Anything SMS members want to know about Windows.

Past presentations included

-how to use google search

-windows 10

-how to build a pc cheaply
-windows networking
-windows xp command line
-troubleshooting windows problems
-windows 7 RC
-windows 7, 8

SMS members are encourage to contact the WinSIG chairman to let him know what topics they want to have or what Windows problems and computer problems they encountered in their everyday computer use.

Members are strongly encourage to come forward during WinSIG meetings to share your Windows problems and the solutions with your fellow members. Also to post and share them in our SMS web forum pages.

Kind regards

Hung Khee Hua

hungkh at